Why Choose Benjamin Moore:

Color Selection

  • Vast palette: Over 3,500 colors to choose from, making them a favorite for designers and homeowners seeking unique shades.
  • Curated collections: Organized into various palettes based on styles, trends, and moods, simplifying the selection process.
  • Custom tinting: Can custom-mix any color imaginable, allowing for precise matching or complete originality


  • High-quality ingredients: Use premium pigments and resins for superior coverage, adhesion, and longevity.
  • Durable finishes: Paints resist fading, chipping, and staining, lasting for years with proper care.
  • Variety of finishes: Offer different sheens (matte, eggshell, satin, semi-gloss, gloss) to suit various aesthetic and functional needs.
  • Low VOC options: Certain lines, like Aura and Natura, boast low levels of volatile organic compounds for health and environmental consciousness.

Other Benefits

  • Independently owned: Family-owned business with a history of quality and commitment to craftsmanship.
  • Knowledgeable retailers: Stores staffed by paint professionals who can offer expert advice and color consultations.
  • Guarantees and warranties: Back their products with strong warranties for added peace of mind.